I have 9 more Lefsetz posts to read. And my eyelids are drooping. Its 1.42am. I’m going to sleep.
Oh, by the way, I got 39 points for IB! I know most of you will know that I’m sounding more excited than I really am. I don’t think 39 is a good score. But I think God’s fair. I deserve it. I didn’t give my best and I let things get to me before the exams. My will and determination is still weak-ass and my self-motivation voice is an utter failure. But still, I’m trying. Learning to thank God. Because I know I should.
I just started doing QT again, with the start of this year. And I must say, the book I’m using is simply amazing. Its like every day God speaks to me. Which is such a fresh change from me feeling like a dry desert spiritually.
Yesterday, my QT started off with “Are you bored with your spiritual life?” I couldn’t help but stop and pay immediate attention. Well turns out I’m bored because I ain’t applying anything that I hear in church and read in the Bible. If I’m doing so, I wouldn’t have the time to be bored at all. It said, that’s why some people wander from church to church, looking for a fresh message or sermon that will be interesting. Well, there’s nothing I can do but try.
Sloth, that’s what’s affecting me. It’s a sin. And after re-reading the article on Dante’s Inferno on Wiki, I can’t help but get my ass off the bed and move. Those who have the sin of sloth are in the fifth circle of hell. Well we all know that’s not really true, based on the Bible. But considering Dante’s placement of sloth at the fifth circle, when there are nine circles, the first being the least severe and the ninth being the most, sloth must be pretty bad. And I can kinda get why it is. Couple of interesting illustrations below, on Dante’s Inferno. I’ve just read finish the Iliad by Homer today. Finished The Odyssey last week. Now I just gotta finish the last 10 chapters of Paradiso of The Divine Comedy (Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso).
Well I haven’t even started on the list of artists that I should check out, that I posted earlier. The internet has just led to an incredible wealth of music available, that now we’re no longer subject to the producers at MTV and radio stations. Which is amazing. Because I don’t think I can take it if I had to listen to 987fm or watch MTV to listen to music. There’s so much R&B and rap that its unbearable. To me, at least. I’ve just downloaded Caesars-Paper Tigers (yes those Jerk It Out fellas), The Beach Boys-Sounds of Summer, The Sounds-Living In America, the latest NME mixtape, Puddle of Mudd-Vol 4: Songs In The Key of Love and Hate. Some aren’t that good, but I haven’t listen to all these fully yet. As I’m typing, I’m downloading all the Bowling for Soup albums too. Yes, illegally. But those who know me know that I try to buy the albums that I like and albums that I think deserve the respect of being paid for (but sometimes my financial situation doesn’t allow it).
Well I kind of digressed, but anyway, I should go do my QT for today!
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